
Shiro the babysitter

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It was a nice sunny day. Team Dorabase where getting ready to fly to a location where they would play their next ball game. But Kuroemon had one little last minute problem on his hands. Hiroshi was an infant and therefore could not be left alone. His mother herself would be going somewhere that she could not take Hiroshi. Kuroemon then remembered that Shiroemon would be free. Only thing was would Shiroemon be ok with this. Either way Kuroemon picked up the phone and began to dial his number. Shiroemon promptly answered with a “Hello.” “Hey um Shiro I was wondering if you could do me a favor.” Kuro hoped that Shiro would agree to the favor. “Sure what do you need me to do?” Shiro responded cheerfully. “Well me and the others have a baseball game to go to, but we need someone to babysit Hiroshi in the mean time.” Kuro awaited a response.

“Sure I can do that for you buddy, I wouldn't want you to miss out on a game.” Kuro was surprised that Shiro agreed. Once they had plans set Kuro hung up the phone and quickly used the anywhere door to get to his house. He stood at the door Hiroshi in his arms. He rang the door bell. He could hear footsteps coming towards the door. Within seconds he was greeted by Shiroemon.

Soon Kuro started spouting off like a worried mother telling Shiro what to do and how to take care of Hiroshi. “Don't worry mamma bear I got everything covered, you just go win that baseball game.” Shiroemon giggled a bit. “Alright if you say so.” With that Kuro took his leave.

Shiroemon held Hiroshi in his arms gently. Hiroshi looked up at Shiro with watery eyes and soon began  to cry. Shiroemon hugged him close and rocked him a bit. “Shhh there there, no need to cry.” Shiroemon cud. Hiroshi began to smile and giggle. Shiro got a smile on his face as well. “Your probably hungry aren't you?” Shiroemon baby talked to Hiroshi. He grabbed a warm bottle of milk that Kuro handed him earlier. Shiroemon held the bottle at Hiroshi's mouth. Hiroshi hesitated at first, but then took the milk willingly.

Not long Hiroshi fell asleep. He was rather cute this way. Shiroemon carried the sleeping infant to his bed room. He tucked him snugly into bed and then laid down next to him throwing his arm around him in a loving manner. It wasn't long before Shiro himself fell into a deep sleep. After about an hour Hiroshi woke up crying. Shiro was startled and was awakened instantly by this. Shiro picked the infant up and hugged him close. Then Shiro realized that the reason he was crying was probably because he needed a diaper change.

Shiro picked up the crying infant and took him to the bath room. He grabbed a towel to cushion the floor and lay Hiroshi down. He grabbed a diaper from the diaper bag. “Man I've never had to change a diaper before, hopefully it's not to complicated.” Shiro thought to himself. He pulled the soiled diaper from Hiroshi and put on the clean one. Despite never having done this before Shiro did a good job.  

Once Shiro was done he carried Hiroshi into the living room. He took a blanket and laid it on the floor. Then he sat Hiroshi on the blanket. Getting some of Hiroshi's most beloved toy's Shiro began to play with Hiroshi. While playing with a toy Hiroshi hurt his hand and began to cry again. Quickly Shiro picked up the crying infant and hugged him close giving the hand he hurt a loving kiss to make it all better. After a while Hiroshi calmed down and stopped crying. Lovingly Shiro wiped the tears from his face and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly and it was starting to get late. Shiro gave Hiroshi one last diaper change and feeding before heading for bed. Both Shiroemon and Hiroshi slept peacefully through the night.

The next morning came. Shiroemon was abruptly awakened by the sound of knocking at his front door. In haste he got out of bed to answer the door. When he opened it to see who was there, it was Kuroemon coming to take back Hiroshi. “Hey Shiro how's Hiroshi?” “He's fine just sleeping, he's quite a little angel.” Shiro smiled warmly. “Did you have any trouble?” Kuro tilted his head a bit. “There where few occasions where he got upset, but it was pretty easy to calm him.” Shiro brought the supplies Kuro gave him for Hiroshi into the living room.

Shiro then went into the bed room and carried Hiroshi back out into the living room. Carefully he handed Hiroshi to Kuroemon. “Thanks for talking care of him.” Kuro began to walk out the door. “Wait did you guys win the baseball game!?” Shiro quickly asked before Kuro left entirely. “As a matter of fact we did win, the score was 7 to 4.” Kuro gave Shiro a wink. “Well I guess this is good bye. I really enjoyed taking care of Hiroshi, if you ever need me to do it again in the future don't hesitate to ask.” Shiro smiled at Kuro. “Sure thing.” With that Kuroemon went back home, Hiroshi sleeping soundly in his arms.

“What a cute kid.” With that said Shiroemon went back inside. And this concludes our story.
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Hugsforlife's avatar
That was 9000% of awesome i like it!!! and you are a god lol